+385 1 463 7437 [email protected]

Selling to Demanding Customers

"The average seller talks, explains well, demonstrates in a superior way, but the really brilliant one encourages the customer to experience the benefits of the product as it is his own."

Who is the workshop intended for?

The training program “Selling to Demanding Customers” is intended for employees who meet customers eye to eye through the sales or service desk, people in sales offices who handle remarks by long-distance, telephone or letter and accounting or administration employees who are often unaware of the impressions they leave on customers.

Training objectives

In today's world full competition it is not easy or easy to sell a product or service. Customers can easily "go to a neighbour" and look for another company who has found a better way to attract them. That is why it is necessary to create a good relationship with customers.

Workshop content

  • Your point of view and what the buyer thinks
  • How well do you know your business and how do you do business with customers?
  • How to get in touch with someone you do not know?
  • The obstacles that you make and the obstacles the buyer makes
  • The most common mistakes in dealing with customers
  • Situations that lead to loss of time, stress and dissatisfaction for both sides
  • The consequences of an aggressive attitude towards buyers
  • Work with problematic parties (6 types)
  • Recipes for complaints, six levels of resolving complaints
  • Do you know how to listen to a customer?
  • How to encourage a customer without interrupting him?
  • How to express compassion without expressing guilt?
  • Justifying and avoiding responsibility
  • Agreement and implementation of the solution
  • Customer relationship that leads to company success
  • Practical rules that can serve all those who work with people and come into contact with buyers.


Sales and Negotiation

Selling to Demanding Customers

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