
Anglo-Adria E-learning

Classical training is the basic concept of our work because we do not want to omit all benefits of face-to-face learning with individual students, a group, or participants of the training among each other. Experience tells us that this approach gives very good results. On the other hand, for excellent learning results, we also recommend the use of our e-learning system with which we complete the learning process (blending learning).

By uniting different tools, we have come to a learning model in which we open great room for students to improve. We have provided our clients with access (by using a password) to our e-learning interface, which provides the following:

  • pre learning – distance preparation for upcoming training program
  • using materials during training
  • post-learning – using materials after training
  • testing – the ability to create a set of questions and the delivery of tests to verify knowledge and skills
  • 24 hours access to relevant materials in digital format as well
  • homework between meetings
  • feedback and additional help through “ask the coach”
  • additional materials, exercises, presentations, literature, notifications
  • downloading the certificate in digital format as well.

You can access the E-learning system on the home page or through the link: e-learning.

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