
Executive Coaching

Executive coaching is the most efficient method for developing effectiveness of managerial staff and for delivering a long-term increase in productivity. Through one-on-one sessions, lasting between three to 12 months, executive coaching is designed to improve:

  • motivation of employees
  • operational efficiency
  • productivity
  • management of processes
  • effectiveness of decision making
  • profit and revenues.

Training content is developed around the daily business and challenges facing the managers. Studies have shown the added value of long-term support to managers through executive coaching (EC), beyond other trainings and consulting sessions.

Executive coaching is designed for:

  • board members
  • all levels of management
  • staff who value successful and constructive communication.

Executive coaching encourages managers to pose the following questions:

  • Who am I really as a person and a leader?
  • How do others perceive me as a leader?
  • How can a leader achieve better business results?

At the start of the coaching process, we develop the training objectives in close consultation with our client, based on the following considerations:

  1. What are the key business results that the manager wishes to achieve in the next period (usually 12 months)
  2. What is the choice of approaches to be taken
  3. What they need to change personally in order to achieve the objectives

Throughout the next 12 months, the coach supports the client in achieving the set objectives. The objectives and the context of the coaching are transparently communicated to the company, while the content of discussions between the coach and client remain confidential. Half way through the process and at the end, the client, the coach, and the company supervisors hold a joint “review” of the results achieved so far, in accordance with the set objectives.

Executive coaching is characterized by moments of relaxation, honesty and clarity of understanding. The enthusiasm and positive energy that is generated by the process is a great added value of executive coaching.

Team Coaching

Your team can be well educated and made up of individuals who are excellent experts, but achieving average results. Team coaching will enhance your team to a superior level.

The goal of team coaching?

Creating an environment in which all team members learn and develop through group dynamics, discussing themes from different perspectives, resulting in new ideas and creative solutions to a problem. The process encourages harmony, cooperation, mutual understanding and tolerance within the team, which leads to better business results over time.

Coaching meetings:

  • they are foreseen once a month for 3 to 3.5 hours (180 to 210 minutes)
  • they are designed to be thematic (it is possible to step away from the subject, depending on where the common process is being directed and what is “imposed” as significant in team work)
  • it is recommended to hold a minimum of 6 meetings in 6 months in order to achieve appropriate group dynamics and a connection among members
  • the process achieves the best results if all members of the team are present at all meetings
  • with special methods and coaching tools (GROW, Solution focused, Co-active, Gestalt…) we take communication in the team to a higher level
  • we take into account scientific knowledge in the areas of psychology, social psychology, management and leadership, sociology of organization and the legality of human behavior, and psychological and emotional functioning
  • we pay particular attention to the diversity within the team and its specific dynamics
  • the coach follows the group dynamics and the coaching process is conducted so that each member gets the appropriate space for expression.

Possible subjects of the team coaching meetings:

  • TEAM VALUES – Do we agree with everything or do we want to change something?
  • MOTIVATION – Are the members powered by money, recognition, security, or none of the above?
  • GOALS – How to improve the overall team results (synergistic effect) with partial goals?
  • “OUT OF THE BOX” THINKING – more creativity and innovation in the teamwork – How?
  • “ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM” effect – What is the team not doing well and not aware of the consequences?
  • COLLECTIVE LEADERSHIP – How to increase responsibility, connectivity and delegate in a better way?
  • ASERTIVITY as the process of maturing and developing communication in the team
  • CHANGES AND CRISIS – How does the team integrate changes and crises as a necessary part of the business?
  • THE TEAM AS A PART OF A GLOBAL ORGANIZATION – What would we like to change and is it possible?
  • MISTAKES AND OVERSIGHTS – lessons for the team that are “valuable as gold”.

Who is it intended for?

Team coaching is intended for teams at all levels of a company (departments, sectors, management, the board).

Executive Media Coaching

The goal of individual media coaching is to prepare a client for successful communication in all types of media. Each person has specific areas in which they can advance their skills, and individual approach to the entire process takes place much faster and easier, with guaranteed discretion.

Given enough time, patience and practice, even people who are very nervous and reluctant when spaking in public can be converted into excellent speakers. All personal pitfalls that client might have in achieving this goal are effectively eliminated during the coaching process, in a pleasant atmosphere with professional advice, support and trust.

Individual media coaching is designed for those who do not want additional “audience” during the adoption of intensive communication skills, such as recording the statement in front of television cameras. The duration of the process depends on the client’s needs, which typically involves a period of three to six months, and it normally takes between six and ten coaching meetings to complete. If necessary, individual media coaching can be held in English.

Areas of theoretical knowledge and practical exercises:

  • speech and basic language exercises
  • consistency between verbal and non-verbal communication
  • personality traits that an individual should be aware of
  • how to overcome stage fright
  • how to manage the “awkward” situation
  • how to develop a communication style needed for main communication goals
  • perception of the other person and the power of listening
  • how to structure the contents of a statement for the media
  • how to be perusasive and achieve credibility
  • how to communicate with the press and become their permanent source of information
  • recording statement in front of television cameras and analysis of materials.
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