+385 1 463 7437 info@anglo-adria.com

Situational Leadership

"Situational guidance is not what you are doing to employees, but what you are doing together with them."

Who is the workshop intended for?

The training program “Situational Leadership” is designed for team leaders, heads of departments and company directors.

Training objectives

Situational Leadership is a tool that provides the manager with clear guidelines for action - starting from the diagnosis of the current situation (his/her leadership style i.e. whether it is a directive leadership, coaching, supporting or delegating) and determining the two aspects of the developmental level of an employee (level of expertise and their focus/motivation to achieve goals).Training will provide participants with a diagnosis/assessment of their dominant leadership style and provide them with guidelines for possible improvement/adjustment to the developmental stage of their employees. Training will also cover topics of managing effective teams and developing motivation within a team environment.

Workshop content

  • Leadership styles
  • Aspects of employee development
  • Correlation between the leadership style and the development phase of an employee
  • Determining an appropriate leadership style
  • Modifying leadership style
  • Analysis of leadership styles
  • Coaching as a leadership style
  • The development of effective teams
  • Motivation in a team environment
  • Focus on employees



Situational leadership

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