Saša Vasung

Sasa Vasung Anglo-Adria

Sasha Vasung is a graduate engineer of electrical and computer science. In more than 20 years of service, he has gone from software/systems engineer and database administrator, through project manager and director of the technical sector of IT companies, to business development manager. In various roles, he has participated in projects for the implementation of large information systems in financial institutions, customs administration, oil industry, energy, trade, etc. He also has experience in consultative sales, which is the foundation of a modern successful company.

His main area of interest is software engineering, project management and team management in the development of business software solutions. During his career, he participated in many professional conferences and conferences, and held a number of lectures and presentations. His specific areas of interest are analysis and problem solving, and decision-making. In her free time, she enjoys sports (rowing, table tennis) and writing short stories.

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