Lean Management

"Organizations that successfully apply lean management are organizations that work as a team and learn, which are flexible, constantly changing and improving excellence."

Who is the workshop intended for?

The training program “Lean Management” is intended for managers, directors and board members.

Training objectives

The goal is to introduce participants to the theory and principles of lean management, to teach them how to collect data and information from the environment, and convert the information into recommendations and basics for management and decision making, operational performance, and improving the organization and processes.Participants will learn how to analyze the value chain, activities and costs, and properly create and implement a change management process using lean management tools.

Workshop content

  • Philosophy, tools and principles of lean management
  • Information management
  • Analysis of chain value
  • Value curve analysis (what to remove, what to reduce, what to increase, what to create)
  • Activity analysis
  • The process and method of cost rationalization (from functional to organizational analysis, identification and selection of discounting opportunities)
  • Implementation of lean business:
  1. Identification of problems of mapping the existing state
  2. Identification of improvements and mapping the future state
  3. Elimination of interference and faults and implementation
  4. Metrics and measurements, creating conditions for continuity and improving the application of the concept.


Finance and Controlling

Lean management

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