Business Models by Industry

"The business model represents the current description of the value the company creates, the way the company is organized to create and distribute the value, and profitability that comes from creating and distributing value."


Who is the workshop intended for?

The training program “Business Models by Industry” is intended for managers, directors and board members.


Training objectives

After the training, the participants will be able to state the specifics of a business of a particular industry. They will also be able to identify key positions in the reports of a particular industry and business activities that most affect them and identify the key external factors of a particular industry's success.

Workshop content

  • Availability and value of information in digital post-industrial age (sources, collection and recording techniques)
  • External environment analysis (PESTLE, the maturity of the economic branch, ETOP, …)
  • Analysis of competing factors in the activities
  • Stakeholder analysis
  • Chain value analysis
  • SWOT (confronting and evaluating the relationship of information about the internal and external environment)
  • Analysis of competition, benchmarking
  • Assessment of strategic choice (evaluation of limiting factors and criteria for selecting a strategy)
  • Analysis of trends, performance and benchmark values ​​for specific activities.


Finance and Controlling

Business Models by Industry

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